Pastor Scott Sittloh
An atmosphere of genuine worship
Our Vision and Purpose
Worship - Discipleship - Community
Discipleship - Training and raising awareness of Biblical truths that help a person learn and transform their lives spiritually. Bible based studies and experiences will equip the believer to live a victorious life following God's plan and accomplish His will in their life.
Worship - Worship includes gathering weekly together, singing, giving, studying God's Word, and serving one another. All aspects of church services, private worship , and outreach to community are acts of worship that bring glory to God.
Community - The Bible calls Christian believers "The Church", "The Body of Christ", or "Family of God". Living in Christian community is God's plan for born again believers. They are to encourage each other to grow as they combine their resources and talents for the benefit of all. The Church is called to spread the love and Word of God to the outside community of non-believers.