About us

About Pastor Scott Sittloh - Pastor Scott's heart's desire is for people to experience God's Love, "Agape".
With over 20 years of pastoral experience, Pastor Sittloh feels God has called him to serve the community of Livingston, TN by leading the lost to salvation in Jesus. His love for discipleship, worship, and inner healing is evident to those who know him. His passion for people is to teach Biblical principles, share the Gospel and help others fulfill their personal calling in God's Kingdom.
Our Mission Statement
At Agape Worship Center, we gather as imperfect people desiring to experience God's presence and to be transformed in His image as we grow in discipleship and sanctification. Our hearts are to worship Jesus our Lord and Savior authentically, learn the Word of God, and serve one another to bring honor to Jesus.
Statement of faith
We believe and teach the Full Gospel Message.
Healing - Spiritual, physical, relational, and many other forms of help are the believer's promise through faith in Jesus' sacrificial death. The restoration from physical sickness or emotional and spiritual despair are healings that bring people to health and wholeness. Healing allows them to live abundantly as they experience freedom and victory in Jesus.
Deliverance - God's divine power to bind and break the powers of evil and darkness is the inheritance of Jesus' redemptive work. Darkness that persists and controls people's thoughts and actions bringing destruction and chaos are called "bondage" and "strongholds". We believe that God sent Jesus to set captives free, empowering them to walk in complete victory from the powers of spiritual darkness.
Salvation - Father God has redeemed mankind from sin and separation from Himself. Redemption was accomplished through the perfect, sinless, blood sacrifice of His Son, Jesus on the cross of Calvary. We accept Jesus' atoning work on the cross to cancel our sin debt and receive the gift of salvation by faith. When we receive salvation by faith, we repent of our sins and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus and follow His Word as instructed in the Holy Bible.
Spiritual Empowerment - Scripture teaches us after Jesus died, He returned to Heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to earth to empower the believers "The Church" to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. Believers are "Spirit Filled" by faith as they surrender fully to the Holy Spirit's leading. As we continue to receive instruction and empowerment we will experience "The Fruit of the Spirit" and minister one to another supernaturally operating in the "Gifts of the Spirit". "Spiritual baptism" is for all believers to live fully in God's supernatural power as we live here on Earth.